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Cybros is located right here in Wisconsin and they make everything from healthy sprouted bread to hearty cookies. I am stuck on using Cybros sprouted bread for life now. I always buy sprouted bread due to the health properties but I am accustomed to crumbly, thin slices that need to be “dressed up” to taste good. Not Cybros, it was literally the best bread I have ever tasted. I just had it as toast with my dinner (could not wait), and have had it every day since. It is thick and stuffed with 7-grains including: Whole sprouted grains of wheat, oats, rye, barley, corn, rice and millet. I am so excited that I also have some Cybros cookies. If they are anything like their bread I am in for a real treat. Watch for me posting on these this week. Click here for a complete product line.