Sun & Earth

Sun & Earth carries a whole line of natural cleaning products and detergents that perform great, safeguard health and are non-toxic/ earth friendly. All of their products smell heavenly and no wonder—they are made of natural ingredients like coconut oils, orange oils and aloe. Safe for sensitive skin the hypo-allergenic detergents are a perfect fit for my overly dry, chapped skin. I was doubtful at how well their products would work considering the makeup was so natural so I put them to the test—the best way I knew how—my gym clothes! Yikes! I used the Unscented Laundry Detergent and dryer sheets and much to my amazement they were so fresh and fluffy without that greasy feeling that often coats my workout pants when I use dryer sheets. You can also see that my better half is using the spot stain removing pen on workout pants and the stain came out that has been set in for multiple washes! They are a favorite so we were so excited that these products worked so well. You can feel good using these products knowing your skin is safe and the environment will thank you. Check out their website for a whole assortment of products like dishwasher detergent, dish soap, glass cleaner and hand soap.