Certified Organic

When I saw this T-shirt I had to have it. "Certified Organic" cotton white t-shirt with eco friendly colors green and brown. Taken from the website:
“Certified Organic is a play on imagery and text while containing a serious message. Are you organic in everything you do, eat and drink, highly unlikely, who is...?! Certainly not me. However we all do our bit so why not show it."
That is totally my motto! I am totally organic? No way! But I do try and "do my part" plus I am trying to educate myself (and others) more and more on being "Organic". I love the fit and style of this shirt, the extended length will look so cute with my jeans, shorts, a skirt or just workout pants. There are tons of details on the stylish clothes from Excentree-- a lower neckline than a regular t and the logo embroidered in black on the back rear of the shirt. With every garment purchase from Excentree you get a coupon to plant a tree in one of 17 different countries and a hang tag that will grow wild flowers, veggies or possibly a tree all at no extra cost and helping you to eliminate your "carbon footprint". Check out my pics in my new shirt -- try and ignore that I had my jammie bottoms on when I was getting ready:

A few more Excentree tid bits if you are not yet convinced that you should be wearing a “Certified Organic” shirt of your own (oh and guys—there are shirts out there for you too!)
Why does Excentree believe it is the premier green brand?
• Excentree Fashion Collections uses only GOTS Certified Organic Cotton
• With every Excentree garment one tree can be planted in one of seventeen agro-reforestation projects worldwide
• Excentree garment hang tags are made from seeded paper. After you have planted your tree online you can plant the tag and it will grow either flowers, vegetables, herbs or even another tree.
• All Excentree garments are limited edition, 100 pieces maximum. Reducing waste will ensure that both you and our planet are kept looking unique and beautiful.
• Excentree garments guarantee a reduced carbon footprint of up to 2 tonnes after you have planted your tree.
• By planting an Excentree tree in an agro-reforestation project you are helping to promote community development and sustainability. Many areas have been ravaged by logging for profit, leaving the land vulnerable and infertile, reducing soil and community protection. By planting trees in these areas, communities can begin to reclaim the land, make it work for them and become sustainable once again.
• Think about it in the context of the old Chinese proverb, “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” “Give a man a Tree and you provide work for a day, help him to build a forest and you provide a community for a lifetime.” Excentree, 2009.
• The Excentree philosophy is two fold, “Live life on the edge of approval” and in doing so we build our promise; 1 Garment, 1 Tree, 1 Future.