Did you say sweet and salty peanuts???? You did. Now that the baseball season has started, can you think of anything better to take to the game and pregame tailgating party than a big bag of Beer Nut peanuts? I can’t. The Beer Nut company only selects the best variety of red skin nuts, which are called either Virginias or Runners. Check out the ingredients that the Beer Nut company puts into a bag of their peanuts; Peanuts, Vegetable Oil (Peanut and/or Coconut), Corn Syrup and Salt that’s it. I tried something new that I have never tried before with peanuts. I put a half bag on a cookie sheet and warmed them up in the oven for about 5 minutes. The smell and taste was unbelievably good. You really need to try it. Once you open a bag or can of these nuts you won’t have to worry about putting the lid back on, why? They will be gone in no time at all.