Green with Envy

Only one cleaning product can be green with envy and that’s Simple Green by Sunshine Makers Inc. The first time I heard of Simple Green was about 14 years ago when my Dad worked in a factory and he would always talk about how dirty and oily everything in the building would get. He would also come home smelling like a citrus tree most of the time and I would ask him what that smell was and he would say Simple Green. I said, “What’s Simple Green?” He would always say a cleaning solution that he and his co-workers would use on everything and anything even moping up the oily factory floor. I have used Simple Green from then on; it has been a cleaning staple in not only my house but my parent’s house as well. I also figured that if my Dad said it could clean up his oily floors at work it would clean up a lot of household spills and mess with little or no elbow grease. The Simple Green all purpose cleaner is probably one of my favorite cleaners by far. It can clean pretty much anything from sinks and drains, pots and pans, floors and carpet, clothes and furniture, to greasy tools and dirty car rims. The all purpose cleaner is also non-toxic and biodegradable, without any harmful bleaches.

I love the summer and one of the best things to do in the summer with your friends is grill out. I have a very nice gas grill that I have had for a number of years now so as you can imagine that my grill grates have a lot of grease on them. Well it’s been a very unusual spring in Wisconsin this year; I pulled the grill out a week ago when we got 80 degree weather in March. That is pretty much unheard of in Wisconsin. Anyway, I usually clean my grill at the end of every season, well the end of the season and snow came very quickly last year so I stored the grill for the winter and decided to clean it before I used it last week. Needless to say leaving a dirty, greasy grill over the winter was a bad idea. I thought it was going to take me all night to clean the grates and the bottom of the grill up because all the grease was hard as a rock. Sunshine Makers sent me a very nice box of cleaning supplies and it included a couple of cans of Simple Green Heavy Duty BBQ and Grill Cleaner. Usually I would get a steaming hot bucket of water and soap and scrub away but this time I wanted to try the grill cleaner to see if it works as good as the all purpose cleaner does. Well to my surprise all I had to do was spray a coating of the cleaner on the grill grates and let it soak for a couple of minutes and then I sprayed them off with a pressure washer and they were ready to go, I didn’t have to scrape, wipe, brush or anything. Simple Green should call the product “No Elbow Grease Allowed!!!!!” Not only did I get to try out the Grill Cleaner but I also got to use their products from the Simple Green Naturals line. If you’re the eco-friendly type any of Simple Green products would be your FRIEND, but they really want you to be their BEST FRIEND so they produced the Naturals line. Simple Green Naturals are 100% naturally derived, check out where their ingredients come from: chicory, coconut, corn, palm, naturally occurring minerals, salt and sugar, and water. Every single ingredient that is put into a bottle of Naturals comes from nature. Even the bottles that they put their product in is 100% recyclable PETE plastic bottles with 25%+ post-consumer content, printed with soy inks. I don’t know about you but Simple Green can be my BFF (BEST FRIENDS FOREVER) any day!!! I do want to comment on a few Naturals cleaners specifically the glass cleaner and the Multi-Surface Care. The glass cleaner will leave windows, mirrors, and eye glasses streak free. I love when I only have to wipe once and all the dirt, finger prints, and streaks are gone completely without having to wipe back and forth 40 to 50 times. Finally, the Naturals Multi-Surface Care is awesome just like the original simple green solution it can clean up just about anything. I use this on my granite countertops every day, it keeps them shiny and new looking. ONE more I promise now really, Finally, the Naturals Bathroom Cleaner will take away those pesky hard water stains with a couple sprays, no more using 10 different chemicals to get rid of them anymore. Like I said earlier SIMPLE GREEN can be my BFF any day. Thanks SIMPLE GREEN!!!!!!