I agree!

Food Should Taste Good! The folks at Food Should Taste Good are so confident that their food does taste good that they sent me a whole bunch of samples to prove it! And why would they not taste great? They use only the highest quality, all-natural ingredients available and flavor them with fantastic flavors that perfectly accent the 13 flavors of tortilla chips. Let me list them for you to get your mouth watering—multi-grain, jalapeƱo, olive, chocolate, sweet potato, buffalo, the works, potato & chive, yellow corn, lime, cinnamon, blue corn and cheddar. So which have I tried so far? Chocolate first of course! Corn tortilla chips accented with the wonderful taste of semi-sweet chocolate and cocoa. Sounds strange, works perfectly. Use as a sweeter side with fruit or in place of a graham cracker. I have also tried the sweet potato variety. It is of a different shape than the chocolate and perfect for dipping into hummus or salsa. The taste of the chip and the hint of sweetness from the sweet potato work harmoniously together. I love this chip!