What’s your story?

I love Elsa’s Story! Their brand mission? To create new categories in the mass produced food market taking us back to “Home Style” and “Home Made”. Elsa’s Story began as a small family bakery and now they pride themselves on high, homemade quality ingredients creating an excellent product just like you would make at home. There are so many top notch baked goods that Elsa’s Story creates but I especially fell in love with the Crisp Baked Crackers and their wide range of Butter Cookies in the Top Shelf Sweet Collection. The crackers were crispy with a light buttery feel to them in great baked in flavors like Black Pepper, Garlic, Onion, Rosemary & Olive Oil and Sea Salt. The cookies were simple, buttery and downright delicious in unique Butter Cookie flavors like Brown Sugared, Cappuccino Pecan, Lemon, Orange Almond, Raspberry Filled or Strawberry Filled.